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Compiling Version 8 of Icon for MS-DOS
Ralph E. Griswold
Department of Computer Science, The University of Arizona
The implementation of the Icon programming language is large
and complex [1]. It is, however, written almost entirely in C,
and it is designed to be portable to a wide range of computers
and operating systems. This document concerns the compilation of
Version 8 of Icon for MS-DOS.
Version 8 of Icon runs on computers with 8086/88/186/286/386-
family processors. IBM hardware compatibility is not required.
Either MS-DOS or PC-DOS, Version 2.0 or higher, is needed.
Specific C compilers may impose more stringent requirements.
Version 8 of Icon is a large-memory-model program that requires
at least 512KB of RAM to perform satisfactorily.
As of the date of this document, Version 8 of Icon for MS-DOS
has been successfully compiled a large-memory model program with
the following C compilers:
Microsoft C 5.10 (MS-DOS and OS/2)
Turbo C 2.0
Lattice C 6.01
Mark Williams Let's C 4.0.12
Icon may compile under some earlier versions of these compilers,
but details are not known.
Icon built under Microsoft C 5.10 supports all features of
Icon and has no known bugs. Icon compiler under Turbo C 2.0 sup-
port all features of Icon, but co-expressions do not work prop-
erly. Icon compiled under Lattice C 6.01 supports all features
of Icon except large-integer arithmetic (the module is too large
to compile), and co-expressions are not implemented. Icon com-
piled under Mark Williams Let's C 4.0.12 runs some programs, but
there are numerous problems. More detailed information is pro-
vided in status files that accompany the distribution.
The use of another C compiler will certainly involve some
work, since there is some code that is conditional on the charac-
teristics of specific C compilers. Compiling Icon is beyond the
capability of many C compilers - be forewarned. For some C com-
pilers, it also may be necessary to make some compromises in the
facilities that Icon supports. If you plan to try compiling Icon
on a compiler other than one of those listed above, request
technical report TR 88-9 from the Icon Project.
The Microsoft macro assembler (MASM) is needed for the
optional assembly-language component of Icon - co-expressions.
IPD138 - 1 - April 5, 1990
This feature can be omitted if you do not have MASM.
The source code for Icon is organized in a hierarchy. To
facilitate file transfer, files for various directories are pack-
aged in arc format. Instructions for unloading the files are
provided on the distribution diskettes.
If the Icon hierarchy is rooted in \icon, the directories fol-
lowing unloading are:
|-icon----------| |-h-------------
| |-lattice-------
| |-microsf5------
| |-os2-----------
| |-turbo---------
The distribution diskettes also contain documentation and some
tools that may be useful in building and testing Icon. See README
on the distribution diskettes.
The four source-code sub-directories under src contain the
following components of Icon:
common files common to different components of Icon.
h header files used by files in the other direc-
icont source code for the translator and linker that
converts a source-language program into an icode
that is executed by iconx.
iconx source code for the executor for icode, including
a run-time system that supports the operations of
the Icon language.
In order to simplify the process of compiling Icon under dif-
ferent C compilers, files that are compiler-specific, including
IPD138 - 2 - April 5, 1990
batch and linker files, are provided in subdirectories of the
scripts directory. There are presently five of these configura-
tion directories:
lattice Lattice C 6.01
microsf5 Microsoft C 5.10 for MS-DOS
mwc Let's C 4.0.12
os2 Microsoft C 5.10 for OS/2
turbo Turbo C 2.0
The use of these configuration directories is described in Sec-
tion 3.
Before starting to compile Icon, be sure your C compiler is
properly installed and that any paths that it needs are properly
The first step in the compilation process is to configure the
source code. If you are using one of the C compilers described
above, there is a .bat file in the top level of the icon hierar-
chy (e.g. \icon) whose name corresponds to the configuration
directory. Executing the .bat file performs the configuration.
For example, if you want to configure Version 8 of Icon to com-
pile under Microsoft C 5.10, just type
These batch files first erase files that may be left over from a
previous configuration ("File not found" is normal at this
point), and then they copy in compiler-specific scripts and
source files.
The assembly-language component of Icon requires macro files
that are provided with the C compiler (not as part of the Icon
source). For the Microsoft C compiler, the files cmacros.inc and
version.inc are needed. These files are included in the Micro-
soft C distributions, but to the best of our knowledge, their
location or purpose is not documented. You may have to search for
them on the Microsoft distribution diskettes. cmacros.inc should
be installed in \mac. version.inc should be installed at \mac\l
If you do not have MASM or do not want to include the
assembly-language component of Icon for some other reason, add
the following line to src\h\define.h:
IPD138 - 3 - April 5, 1990
#define NoCoexpr /* disable co-expressions */
See also the remark at the end of the following section about
compilation without the assembly-language component of Icon.
There are a few functions specially designed for using Icon
under MS-DOS that are not part of Icon's standard function reper-
toire. The functions are described in [2] (ipd132.doc on the
distribution diskettes). These functions normally are included
in the compilation process. If you wish to eliminate them (which
decreases the size of iconx by a few thousand bytes), remove
#define DosFncs
from src\h\define.h.
Icon has facilities for large-integer arithmetic, but these
facilities are disabled by default in MS-DOS Icon because they
increase the size of iconx substantially (20-30KB). If you have
enough RAM and wish to enable large-integer arithmetic, remove
the following line from src\h\define.h:
#define NoLargeInts
First go to the directory src\common and compile the source
files there.
Then go to src\icont and src\iconx and compile and link the
source files there to produce the executable files icont.exe and
iconx.exe, respectively.
Finally, copy the executable files to their desired location.
A public-domain version of a UNIX-style make utility is pro-
vided on the distribution diskettes. Makefiles for each subdirec-
tory are copied into place during configuration. This make util-
ity is different from (and more powerful) than the make utilities
provided by present MS-DOS C compilers. If you do not want to use
it, there is a build.bat file in each source subdirectory that
compiles and links all files without using make.
If you disabled the assembly-language component of Icon, you
will need to change the makefile or build.bat file in src\iconx
to remove the assembly steps.
IPD138 - 4 - April 5, 1990
A suite of test programs is provided with the distribution.
The tests range from a variety of simple programs to batteries of
expressions. The test programs themselves are in the directory
tests. The expected output of the test programs is in
tests\stand; tests\local is provided for local output.
The directory tests contains several files of the form
name.lst, which consist of the names of test programs. Testing
can be done with these files and the program runtests provided
with the distribution. The form is:
runtests name.lst > name.res
where name is one of the files mentioned above. As a result,
name.res contains a list showing differences.
Note: Local output may differ in some cases from the output in
stand. This may be due to compiler or system differences. Also,
in a few cases, recent changes to Icon may produce output some-
what different from that in stand. See README on the distribution
diskettes for the latest information.
If you are interested in the larger view of the implementation
of Icon, or if you are interested in modifying or extending Icon,
you may want to acquire the book The Implementation of the Icon
Programming Language. This book concentrates on the run-time
system and covers data structures, the virtual machine, the
interpreter, the implementation of generators, and storage
management. It also contains material specifically related to
making modifications to the source code.
The publication information is: The Implementation of the Icon
Programming Language, by Griswold and Griswold, Princeton Univer-
sity Press, ISBN 0-691-08431-9, hardbound, 336 pages, $44.50. The
book may be ordered from the Icon Project, a local bookstore, or
directly from the publisher:
Princeton University Press
3175 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
(609) 896-1344
The implementation book corresponds to Version 6.2 of the Icon
source code. There have been several changes in the source code
between Version 6.2 and the present version. A supplement
describing these changes is available free of charge from the
Icon Project [3]. Ask for IPD112.
IPD138 - 5 - April 5, 1990
If you run into problems, contact the Icon Project:
Icon Project
Department of Computer Science
Gould-Simpson Building
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
(602) 621-4049
icon-project@cs.arizona.edu (Internet)
... {uunet, allegra, noao}!arizona!icon-project (uucp)
We cannot promise to solve your problems, but we will try. We
also may be able to place you in contact with other persons who
are compiling Icon and who may have similar problems.
Please also let us know of any suggestions for improvements to
the compilation process or its documentation.
Many persons have been involved in the implementation of Icon.
Cheyenne Wills did most of the work to adapt Icon for use under
MS-DOS. He also provided most of the tools that are included in
the distribution.
1. R. E. Griswold and M. T. Griswold, The Implementation of the
Icon Programming Language, Princeton University Press, 1986.
2. R. E. Griswold, Version 8 of Icon for MS-DOS, The Univ. of
Arizona Icon Project Document IPD132, 1990.
3. R. E. Griswold, Supplementary Information for the
Implementation of Version 8 of Icon, The Univ. of Arizona
Icon Project Document IPD112, 1990.
IPD138 - 6 - April 5, 1990